Friday, March 8, 2013

Nick with Tits

And we're back with brand new additions to the Nick Cage collection! For those of you who haven't been keeping up - sucks for you. You'll catch on quickly.

Nicolas Cage is Andre the Giant AND Demi Moore. I don't know what's more disturbing: Nick with tits or Nick in his underwear.

Nick Cage is some boy band. I haven't kept up with boy bands since 1999, but apparently they can get worse.

Is this a prequel to Moonstruck?

An alternate version to Star Wars. In this rendition, Han Solo does not have feelings for Princess Leia and she instead ends up with Jabba the Hutt. They have Jabba Babies that look like Gremlins meet Furbies meet Nick Cage.

In this version of Titanic, Jack still dies. However, the nude drawing of Rose looks much different. She has a penis. Picture it. Now. You nasty.

Nick Cage is a CAGE! Wow! How original!

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